Sunday, February 21, 2010

Belated "Happy Year of Tiger"

First and foremost, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!

Just when I decided to spend this Spring Festival in Shenzhen, I heard that it was snowy in hometown. It seems like I'd never get the chance to slip and fall down on the ice. Good thing the temperature dropped down right before the lunar new year and made it at least cold enough for a Spring Festival. It is never not festive in Shenzhe, even with those on and off popping of firecrackers. Several days before this bleak Spring Festival, I walked around the annual Flower Marker in Luohu as I did every year.

Shenzhen has no lack of flowers,so basically people go to the Flower Market just to join in the fun. It's more economical to actually buy flowers from the marker on Lunar New Year's Eve because it's the last day of the temporary market and everything there is on sale. It's said that it'd bring no luck if you purchase flowers after the Lunar New Year's Eve.

I spotted this new species of flowers. Don't you think it look like those birds in "Avatar"?^^

Besides flowers, there were some irrelevant stuff sold there,say goldfish, turtles and rabbits. Well, I can't expect to see tigers though.


Away From The Brink said...

Nice pictures, very colorful.

SHUO said...

To [Impacted Wisdom Truth],

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Now it's the year of Rabbit~Hehe~

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